10:30 A.M. June 7, 2020
(After parking, please turn your radio to Holly Grove FM 93.9 for the Service if you plan to sit in your car. If you would like to sit in your lawn chair outside of your car, under the tree or near the cemetery, the speaker will also be used so you can hear.)
Welcome and Announcements Cindy Wilson
Opening Hymn “Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty” (verses 1&4)
(Cindy Wilson will lead)
Prayer Time (prayer praises and concerns) Rev. Bob Lane
Morning Message Rev. Bob Lane
Communion Hymn “The Church’s One Foundation” (verse one)
(Dianne Montgomery will lead)
Communion Rev. Bob Lane
(Please partake the elements you have reverently prepared and brought from home.)
Closing Hymn “Let There Be Peace on Earth”
(Dianne Montgomery will lead)
Closing Prayer Rev. Bob Lane
Bible Scripture Readings from the Lectionary
Bible Verse for the Week
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
~ 2 Corinthians 13:14
- Next Sunday, June 14th, we will have our Graduation Recognition Sunday. We will recognize our three Louisa County High School graduates Griffin Hollins, Dustin Mayo and Natalie Smith and our Virginia Tech college graduate Coleman Vincze. Congratulations to them and ALL their achievements!
- The outdoor “Drive-In” services on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. will continue through Sunday, July 12th at which time our annual congregational meeting will be held and a vote on how to proceed will be taken.
- Holly Grove FM 93.9 Radio is here! When arriving at church on Sunday, please turn your radio onto this station to hear the service if you plan to sit in your car. Those folks that live from the Folly Creek area to Owens Creek area and maybe beyond can listen in while at home!
- Just a reminder that we are asking for you to bring your own communion from home.
- The Christian Women’s Fellowship will meet this Wednesday, June 10th at 7:00 p.m. outside in the yard at Patricia Hicks’ home (weather permitting). They are looking for new members, so come and join them!
- When you enter the church parking lot on Sunday, there will be an attendant there with the offering box. If you have an offering, please drop in this box. You can also donate safely online via Givelify @ https://giv.li/w063gb or you can go to the church website at https://www.hollygrovechristian.com/ and click on the “Donate Online” button in the upper right corner. Today is the last day for our Missions Committee to accept the Pentecost Offering. If you write a check for this offering, please include “Pentecost Offering” in the memo portion.
- Pastor Bob Lane has started a Bible Study on Wednesdays in the church fellowship hall at 11:00 a.m. It recently begun, so come on out and enjoy ten more weeks of this Study! We will adhere to the CDC guidelines for social distancing and the area and bathrooms (if used) will be cleaned and disinfected before and after use.
- If you are interested in cleaning the church for the next fiscal year that begins in July, please submit your bid to Property Chairman Robert Bowman by June 26th so the Property Committee can review. You can pick up your bid form/packet in the church fellowship hall on Saturdays from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. or on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
- Today is the last day for Missions to collect the Love offering for Tom Brown. You can donate online or via check. Funds received will be placed into an NC529 account for his daughter Piper’s education. Please include “Love Offering Tom Brown” in the memo portion if writing a check.
- The “Our Daily Bread” Devotionals are in for June/July/August. There are booklets on the table by the fellowship hall door. You can also go online to their website at https://odb.org/ to view daily devotions. If you would like for us to mail a copy to you, please let Cindy Wilson know.
- The Pruners Food Pantry continues to be open on Saturdays from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. and Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Below is the list of volunteers through the end of June. Thanks to all who have given generously of their time, donations and food! We do require now that all volunteers and patrons wear a mask when entering the building. If a patron does not have a mask, we will do our best to serve their needs in an alternative method. We do have a basket of cloth masks in the fellowship hall to give out if needed thanks to Jane Miller and the “Merry Mask Makers” in Lantana, TX.
Food Pantry Volunteer Schedule
The Sommer Family
Wed. 6/10, 6-7PM
The Lipscomb Family
Sat. 6/13, 9-10AM
Peter & Carol Jean
Wed. 6/17, 6-7PM
Billy & Nancy Lloyd
Sat. 6/20, 9-10AM
Steve & Dianne Montgomery
Wed. 6/24, 6-7PM
Robert & Suzanne Bowman
Sat. 6/27, 9-10AM
- Our Elders and Deacons that are on rotation will be handling the logistics each Sunday for parking and the offering box. If you are serving on this day, please arrive to church by 10:00 a.m. to prepare. Below is the schedule for this week and next week.
June 7th – Elders: Billy and Nancy Lloyd; Deacons: Steven Klein, Jordan Trayer, Robert Bowman and John Kruep (Group I)
June 14th – Elders: Joe and Sherrie Sommer; Deacons: Shannon Kruep, Rhonda Gorman, Donna Davis and Tom Boothe (Group II)
- Gwen Rose recently designed and ordered church t-shirts to sell. They are green, with a small Christian Church, Disciples of Christ logo with holly leaves and chalice on the front left upper side and it says “Follow Me to HGCC" with the church website printed on the back. The shirts, sizes medium, large and x-large, are in the fellowship hall on a table and are $15.00 each. There is a box to leave cash or a check to Gwen Rose.
June 7th – Dwight Chenault
June 9th – Twila Rose
June 10th – Shawn Smith
June 11th – Marty Miller
June 12th – Joe Harris
June 8th – Tim & Andrea Hollins
June 9th – Nicholas & Dana Smith