Sharing God's Limitless Love!

Our Community
Holly Grove Christian Church is located in the center of the Holly Grove area of Louisa county. We strive to encourage a sense of community and fellowship amongst all of our neighbors, old and new alike. We offer a variety of events, groups, bible studies, and a food pantry to help enrich and uplift the lives of our neighbors.
About Holly Grove Christian Church
Holly Grove Christian Church has been a shining light in the Holly Grove area of Louisa County since 1873. We are a Disciples of Christ congregation that welcomes everyone to come experience and share in God's Love and Grace. We welcome everyone and anyone to the Lord's table, just as he welcomed us.
Our "Staff"
Minister: Rev. Bob Lane
Board Chair: Tammy Mayo
Vice-Chair: Dianne Montgomery
Rhonda Gorman
Dianne Montgomery
Steve Montgomery
Diane Rigsby
Joe Sommer
Sherrie Sommer
To learn more about who the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are and what we believe visit:
What We Believe
Sunday School: 9:30 AM
Morning Worship Service: 10:30 AM
* Nursery is available for babies and toddlers during the Worship Service *
Children Worship & Wonder: 10:45AM
Ladies Study Group: Mondays @ 10AM
Adult Study Group: Wednesdays @ 11AM & 6:00PM
Choir Practice: Tuesdays @ 7PM
Men's Breakfast Group: Second Sunday of the Month @ 8:30AM
Holly Grove Craft Club: Second and Fourth Thursdays @ 6:30 PM
For all other event and meeting times, see our church newsletter and calendar.