Many people ask, “What makes the Christian (Disciples of Christ) denomination different from other protestant denominations?” While there are differences between us and the other denominations, which this article will attempt to articulate, it is important to note that our denomination began out of the restoration movement of the 1800’s which sought to end denominations and unify all Christians. One of the famous motto’s adopted by the Christian church and this movement is “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity.” With that in mind, let’s look at some of the things that set D.O.C. congregations apart from others you may be more familiar with…
Communion: The Disciples of Christ (D.O.C.) believes in an open communion celebrated weekly. We require no membership, creeds, confessions, or even baptism to participate in communion. We invite all to the table that believe that Jesus Christ is their savior, no matter their status, race, sexual orientation, or anything else…If you believe in God and the salvation provided by Jesus Christ, come and remember that sacrifice with us at the Lord’s table. We also believe in celebrating communion weekly whereas some other faith traditions do not.
Bible: We are a New Testament church, it is our stance that the New Testament is the foundation of the Christian faith and the model upon which we base our organization and beliefs. We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, but we leave any discussion of inerrancy up to the individual believers and congregations.
Baptism: We believe in “believer’s baptism” by immersion in water. We believe that a person should not be baptized until they have reached an age or place in life where they can make that decision of their own free will. That being said, we do openly and lovingly accept people raised in other Christian Faiths that practice baptism differently.
Equality: Disciples believe in full equality and liberty among all of God’s Children and is committed to being open and affirming to all.
Organization: Each congregation has the freedom and power to decide its own destiny. Each congregation decides its own business, calls its own ministers, and decides the methods and style of its services and practices.
Ecumenism: Even though the Restoration movement of the early 1800’s failed in uniting all Christians and abolishing denominations, we are still trying. Disciples believe in working together with all other Christian denominations and building on the essentials that we all share to accomplish the great commission of Christianity (Matthew 28:16-20)
If you would like to learn more about the history and beliefs of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), check out these additional resources…or just come on by, we’d love to meet and Love you!